Featured Believer: Linda Rocchi

Why do I love Believe in Cle? Because I Love yoga and yoginis and all They have to offer.

I have learned that just showing up makes me smile, plain and simple. Now, I show up for the community of great folks and the good friends along the way.

I show up to learn patience and to practice determination. I show up to build strength and balance. I show up for a good playlist and a good laugh when you start in plank or crow! I show up because “It’s not hard folks, it’s just Yoga!”

I have been practicing yoga for just over 10 years now. It started as a way to 'work out' at Spiritual Life Center in Hudson, Ohio - Hatha then Ashtanga. While I loved Larry Terkel, it was Carson Heiner who set the tone for my practice and brought the laughter.

I show up at studios around town and at Yoga Rocks the Park. And some of you know me as the “best assistant ever” at the Believe in CLE events as I shout out proudly to “Oasis Yoga Spa in Solon, Ohio” where I completed my 500 hour YTT with studio owner Janice Hanrahan and also Jenny Otto!

All good things – I Believe in CLE!